perjantai 19. heinäkuuta 2024

Of the style of gorillas or apes

 Gorillas or apes appear like humans, much gyuded by the said claims in theoretical picture of the world of the society. They do not appesr to folliw primarily and wisely insticnt nature like sensations etc, lije is typical for wild animals and pets. 

Gorillas or apes are like humans who have a different type of profession, so they may have lits of skills and experience on some areas of lufe and dominate the people in their comoany in those professions. Such impressilns from apes resemble a male storage house worker fetching and carrying things when gotten a slip of paper lusting the needed artifacrs and amounts, or arranging large bunches of storage artifscts by a truck. Or a young adult who has been on a self-defence course for ordinary guard personnel of some working place like building or the like, but which is a different type motion than the lical guards there, a sportily talented individual searching for a job connected with sports instead of as a guard. A verbal interpretator of a quite unkniwn language of a quite small country hanging around because asked for this time but not the primary language ysed by the peopke present. Apes may have lately met older very influential people, like politicians trying to figure out how to arrange tjings, or an apotech experuenced professional interested in developing new meficines for humans, etc, so the apes may have a style like have been in grandparent's or other influential elderly oerson's company lately, kn a work oriented context of them. A gorilla may also appear like a skilled wood worker building or repairing professionally furniture or interiors or wooden houses or their roofs, or like a quite agile car repairs professional. A gorilla may also appear like a school kids' adult group leader walking around with a map to plan orienteering trip for the group as a whole instead of as individuals, a group of a few kids of maybe half the height or a little bit mire, at most a half a school class at a time, or one school class? 

Of the original living environment of apes, trees are not the only possibimity. Humans' apartment houses are another possibility jydged by the style of apes. Some apes compare kn style with old men: 60+ years, even claimed 1 000 years olds, so who knows the actual age? It seems that differencues in age and lufe experience prevent much of the communication or possibilities to be close social relations. An elderly man associating for a moment with a kid interested in his profession for a moment, seems to describe the differencies in age and experiences of life. 

* * * 

30th of September 2024   A video of an ape playing guitar beautifully and skilledly 

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