perjantai 26. huhtikuuta 2024

A honey like atmosphere at home

 From my blog 

" Some videos : Beetle-home, etc 


Beautiful village

Stell balls moving

My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 

My books 

lauantai 6. huhtikuuta 2024


 6th of April 2024    You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at

lauantai 23. maaliskuuta 2024

How old dog can one still keep

 " An elderly person ought not get children with one's long time spouce   

 It seems that the characteristics of a baby depend on how the parents (make love and ?) live roughly when the baby gets it's beginning. An elderly couple who has for years liked the life together is like an old dog keeping company or sofa or something in that direction, just socially coming along instead of trying to figure out how I would do in this situation, how do we fit together in a good way, how could each live a healthy natural full life. So with a new pair could maybe each area of life be in it's healthy natural place in life and in healthy natural ways, resulting in a healthy natural baby. But if such gets replaced by keeping company, socially coming along, etc, those might produce a malformed clumsily build body instead of a healthy one. Similarly the family maybe ought not be fully habitually living but instead reactively aware of the living environment and life around, learning skills for life and for taking part in the society in healthy happy ways. "

From or .

So I guess it is ok if people often keep an old dog so long that people know that way of being social and what it brings, but not so many years that the ordinary idea of dogs would have that drawback. 

* * *

29th of March 2024, the Friday of the Easter week 

When I moved to Savonlinna in the beginning of June 2009, my Japanese spitz Vala was one and a half years old and Banjo was abput five months old. In carrying my furniture to the car I had as a help my former boyfriend and one pal of his who had surprisingly poor teeth. Can it be that Vala had wished that the other man than Vala would have poor teeth, so that he woukd not threaten Vala's place? And that young dogs wish that they would have their own place in the future too, and if some older dog would try to get it, they wish that the different kind of dog, maybe with a somehow similar but different name, would have poor teeth and not get their space to live in in the long run, preferably die. But the dog changes as years pass, and so the old dog born on the same day of the same year, is likely to be their older version, at least such is quite usual. So they themselves ought to have space to live in, with good teeth too, even if they change a lot across the years and maybe some info got lost too, so "be fair" ought to be ghe right guideline. 

tiistai 12. maaliskuuta 2024


 Aprikoosinvärisen keskikokoisen villakoirani Banjon kuolemasta on puolentoista viikon päästä kolme vuotta. Nämä vuodet olen lähinnä nukkunut, syönyt, käynyt ruokakaupassa vain ja enimmäkseen roikkunut netissä, kirjoittaen loputonta blogikirjoitusta joulutonttujen taidoista . Se on kuin olisin jatkanut siinä, missä katsoin villakoirani hyvin voivan loikoa sängylläni tunnin verran, kun käyn kaupassa. Myös aihe on vähän kuin aprikoosinväriselle seurakoiralle sopiva, jouluinen. Monen monta maltankoira Xantin videota olen siinä katsellut lukuisten muiden videoiden lomassa ja lukenut uutisia useasti. Nyt tuon vuosipäivän lähetessä tulee mieleeni, että ensimmäinen julkaistu kirjoitukseni, yhdessä muun villakoiraväen kanssa tehty, oli vihkonen "Iloa villakoirasta - opettamisen alkeita" syksyllä 1990. 

tiistai 13. helmikuuta 2024

How to teach one's pet, child, etc to become wise

 Please read my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" at , especially it's first text / it's backcover text at .

If you do not have a pet, it is said that there are mice in almost all human apartments, also in space, so those can ease a little bit even if you don't see them. Likewise you can watch this way passer-bys and things seem to run like in light shining from low in a dusty air, kind of life happening, nothing special, things just running well without anything new but without any special lack too, all knowing their school education and having some potential talents too but one does not know what since all just takes it's time, whenever short or longet, things going their own ways with some wisdom of life too.

19. maaliskuuta 2024   Villakoirani Banjo, jonka kuolemasta tulee tällä viikolla kuluneeksi kolme vuotta, oppi lukemaan jo 9 viikon iässä, mikä ei varmaankaan ollut hyväksi sen liikunnallisikke lahjoille, sillä se satutti tassunsa törmätessään juoksuleikissä huonekaluun, kun minua jokin puhelimessa kuulemani oli juuri järkyttänyt, ja niin joutui olemaan tassu paketissa, kun luunsiru lli irronnut, ja kahdessa leikkauksessa oli, ensin kiinnike ja myöhemmin Savonlinnassa se poistettiin. Mutta se siis pentuna mm luki tai näytti lukevan ja kai ihan hyvin ymmärtävänkin, kai,  suomentamiani pätkiä taolaisuuden klassikosta Tao-te-chingistä, ks.

The English original translation

I used to like the book a lot, but it demands civiliced values and good quality objectivity. 

A honey like atmosphere at home

 From my blog   " Some videos : Beetle-home, etc   Beetle-home