( It just came to my mibd as if someone had remarked, that does the word "Supermiesfilosofiaa" in the begknning of my translation attempt of Tao-te-ching from English to Finnish mean that I gave the text to my poodle YellowMellow Superman to read when he was a puppy, but he first had some philosopvy theme name attempts and after them was xalled Banjo. Banjo learned to read at 9 weeks of age, and I did give the translation to him, and maybe to my other pets. But it was not good to read before more experience of sports etc, of life. But Banjo really was a smart puppy and interested in learning to read, so I thought it better for him to be able to read well than spend time thinking of others reading. https://orientalphilosphy.blogspot.com/2024/04/tao-te-ching-finnish-interpretation-of.html )
Banjo (2009 - 2021) on sirkuskoulutettu lukutaitoinen kymmenvuotias (2019) aprikoosinvärinen keskikokoinen villakoira, fiksu ja gentlemanni. Tämä on Banjon blogi, aiheenaan Lemmikkieläimen ajatuksia. Nämä ovat siis pörröturkkisen eläimen elekielestä ymmärrettyjä näkökulmia asioihin. Tekstin prameuden tavoittelu ja nettikirjoittamisen takeltelu ovat siis koirani Banjon piirteitä, ja minun tyylini löytyy muista blogeistani. Tämän blogin olennainen kohderyhmä ovat kai sen kuvia katsovat eläimet.
maanantai 3. maaliskuuta 2025
tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2025
What to think of talking animals?
At https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B5ysLX2_EyI there was a video of a golden retriever type of dog playing some guitar or ukulele or something of the kknd. What to think of such? There was first a young girl talking long, telling of awful museries in her youth, the audience crying. I coukd not help but remember that when I maybe a week ago saw some music video of a song played maybe in tv when I was very young, that those were awful trouble, I wanted to help in such, and so I tried to compise a melody of how to get the people around or the society to live wiser, good vasic life. ( " Just an ateempt at natural feeling basic harmony in a society, kind of common sense and people separate, ages old wisdom followed, nothing special
D, E, A(long), G, E, D, - , A (long), upperC(long), G(long), E, D, G(long)
Just tried to remember from my youth in the 1980's how a young person could create or help to create ordinary good life in the society around. ")But so, pets sometimes talk when there us trouble, when they get very serious, and that means typically only sometines at the vetenarian, not at home. But it seems from the video that pets can also sometimes do other things kibd of overcoordinatedly compared with their nirmal. The dog playing was it guitarseemed to be helping lots of South-East Asian people similarly in trouble. Somehow I felt that maybe my melody coukd be of help to them too.
A dog can play piano pimpelipom by plätsis style, if it is interested in such, if it lijes such and has the possibility for such and the environment also likes playing music and dogs doing such. So according to moid dogs maybe can play pimpelipompeli something, and if needed learn something more in that direction, but pressing the strings of a guitar seems to demand motivation like a crying one trues tgat then if such is needed, and some other dog or animal being clear-geaded in tjinking what to press and how, and helping, which I guess is typical for a relugioys person's animal if such is felt much needed in the social environment, grwstöy hemping and prayed for.
26.2.2025 Additional remarks at https://parantamisesta7.blogspot.com/2025/02/what-to-think-of-video-of-dog-playing.html
I copy them here:
" *
26.2.2025 If there is some unknown group in misery, some of my healing advices are on a very general level, and ought to / might fit for example ufos / extra terrestials, see https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2025/01/possible-healing-advices-for-ufos-andor.html . Of them having come to my advices, woukd prooably nean objective thinking with pictures of wholes needed unusually much, of which the basic for would be a landscape lije view that observes structyres, see QuickerLearning.BlogSpot.com plus my objective paradise theory 2013paradise.BlogSpot.com , and the basic size class of the holistic view would be one's own living kind plus the planets they live in and their beings, and as valyes wishing fairly well for life in the world. So adding extra tyoes of beings is not needed if the lives woukd not otherwise interact, since a theoretical view of the world can add such info anyway.
I have also written lits of other advices for good life, and those are mostly on a very general level, thinking of the whole world, so at least some of them might fit also other kinds of beings and/or other planets etc. See for example my Christmas gnome/elf skills texts, starting from LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 and my free ebooks and blog s at links from MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com .
If it is space travel and/or too much not-nice indoors disturbing life, my booklet "Animals In Space : Inhabiting new planets" maybe coukd help, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/animals-in-space.html . Likewise my book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" might help something, see https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html . Of making homes/pictures nice there is also in my blog post https://learntalents11.blogspot.com/2025/02/my-noteflight-profile-pictures.html which subject has seemed surprisingly much in the year during the last half a dozen years, maybe because I mistly can generalise the nice sides to be possible for large groups, maybe even for most people around the world??
There was today in the video recommendations also a picture of a white cat playing violin. I did not watch it since I do not understand cats. At first it looked like impossible for a cat to keep the stick of the violin so in it's paw, but when I looked at the atmosphere of the picture, it seemed that it was a cat of an elderly man livibg a quite even peaceful looking life and concentrated much on painting well, on arts in a quite peaceful way. So maybe the cat too thought that important to make art, and with a painting like approach picked the violin stick and the violin, and maybe learned to play. ( I usually like animals, find them nice and somehow near some dreams of mine. But I do not find cats simikarly unzwrstandable and natural for me. Ibstead those seem to go some foreign roads lije a ground vehicle of ufos or some robot or I do not kniw what. )
Of my Noteflight profile pictures
" My Noteflight profile at https://www.noteflight.com/profile/9448149c095d0371d42c75731428be65d774da17
" I had not quite understood that people had liked just the profile pictures from my window. I just took nice pictures. When I needed something for my Noteflight profile, I searched something in somewhat music like direction, and chose two different pictures of roughly the same subject, so those fitted together. "
Of a good spirit, something is in my book Magnifient Views https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html , and much was that I liked and typically like such things, so in a picture too those appear somehow nice, and also many of my melodies were of nature, and of tgat there are also links below the pictures, so that supports the viewpoint and maybe brings the page to others liking such hobbies, etc. Of such good spirit at large I have written already too many advices, see my texts about skilks for a Christmas gnome / elf like in the midern world, year around, world-wide, LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 .
My book series "Of walking in beauty" might be one guess of what some people search for, since I did not quite understand, why such everyday life subject that sometimes succeeds and sometimes not, depending on the weathers and on the likings of ghe individual fitting the local environment, why write of such as if ot were some piece to take along when needed, see www.amazon.com/author/khtervola .
Anyway, here in Espoo such a good stmosphere seems many tines obstructed by some line like markings in the air, as if some asked, "why live here, why not go to some other place?", and they themselves woukd prefer moving to some other place but are somehow confused by the circumstancies. My book "Work and Feelings" WorkandFeelings.BlogSpot.com might help in this. Anyway, in Savonlinna too I lived in a town area in an apartment house, so in a way there seems not be much difference, but anyway there was somehow more peaceful, but on the other hand the life possibilities were not kept up so well. So I guess that it is the likings of peopke which matter, like-minded giving some peace for hpbbies etc. On the other hand one would need to advertise Vantaa and Sweden and maybe China to those who would prefer moving there, who do not seem to understand that different towns are diffeeent even if there are not so many kilometers difference in location of where one lives, and likewise countries are different.
sunnuntai 23. helmikuuta 2025
Parantamisaiheisesta blogistani Koirien eroahdistuksesta
Lainaus parantamisaiheisesta blogistani parantamisesta7.blogspot.com
" 23. helmikuuta 2025 Koiran eroahdistus ja siihen liittyvä ulvominen, voivat liittyä siihen, että kotona jossain näkymättömissä on muita koiraa pienempiä ja usein kai paljon nuorempia ja kojemattomampia eläimiä, esim rottia, hiiriä rai myyriä, jotka ovat huolissaan tutun ihmisen poissaolosta: riittävätkö ruoka ja vesi, ja entä miten on vessa järjestetty? Ja huolussaan olevat pienet eläinet nojaavat koiraan ja niiden huolen koira ilmaisisi ulvontana, joka on kenties kuin nuoren rotan tms itku, kun se on epävarma ja kenties sillä on turhan viileä olo.
lauantai 15. helmikuuta 2025
Vanha sirkuspalli
On Saturday, 15 February 2025, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <hannele.tervola@gmail.com> wrote:
Otin koirieni vangan sirkuspallin kaapista, kun tulin oliko toissapäivänä hoksanneeksi, että siitäkö oli kiinni, että menetin Banjon, kun likainen päältä revennyt sirkuspalli oli kaapissa säilytyksessä eikä esillä. Ja osa vika oli jouluaigeisessa pyöreässä matossa, joka ei tuntunut kantavan elämän hyviä asioita yli joulun mutta oli kuitenkin sellainen jika tuppasi jäämään huobeeseen, jotenkin paljon siistimpi etenkin. Mutten oijein tiedä, kun tulee jotenkin rävähtänyt olo noin isosta äkkinäusestä paluusta vanhaan isoon aiheeseen. On kuin sirkuspalli vertautuisi kurjoittamiini kurjakasoihin, mutta kurjakasat ovat tylsempiä ja sirkustreenin aikaan koin saavani tehdä, oli omaa osaamista ja nyt taas olen ihan lytyssä kuin kangaskaupassakäynnin jäljiltä tms. Tein sirkuspallin itse jämäpalousta joita jäi tilkkutäkin teosta, ja äitini Riitta Hari neuvoi täytteen, mutta täytteeksi ei kuulemma olisi näin jälkikäteen ajatellen saanut käyttää tuolkaista mattoa vaikka minut niin kehoutetyiin tekemäön. Mitä ajatella? Minne on elämusentilanibkadonnut, mitä enää voin tehdä, kun nukkumisen pohjalta ei sirkyskorkeuksiin ponnistaminen suju. Miten ihmeessä on elämäni näin ojassa?Terv. Hannele"
Sirkustreeni elokuu 2010 - kevät (/kesä?) 2011 lukevatkoirat.blogspot.com
tiistai 11. helmikuuta 2025
perjantai 24. tammikuuta 2025
The owners of some dog breeds typically get killed
I used to have a Japanese spitz and an apricot poodle. After those had died I have quite often thought of wanting to get a new puppy and later another, but I have been sleepy and jyst hanging in the internet, so getting a puppy has not seemed to suit my habits etc.
Anyway, as I have pondered of different dog breeds, there are some which on some virtual or spiritual side tell that the owners of those dog breeds typically get killed. The breeds are chihuahua (prefers some types of very fat people), samoyed (tends to get stuck talking endlessly even if the place is dangerous) and kleinspitz (somehow causes health issues or is not as good at healing them as maybe other small breeds are, or there maybe is some old thin woman coming living near who causes such and to whom the kleinspitz maybe would go).
Superman philosophy
( It just came to my mibd as if someone had remarked, that does the word "Supermiesfilosofiaa" in the begknning of my translation...
Tässä joulun ja uuden vuoden välillä Banjo yhden kerran näytti erilaiselta kotiin tullessani ja sanoi olevansa toinen aprikoosivillakoira, j...
Animals which associate closely with humans, especially pets, ofr example dogs, sometimes ask if there could be a school for animals too. I...
Heräsin aamuyöllä, ja Banjo tuntui tuumivan, että laatisin lastenkirjan, mutta sen kuvat olivat unikuvamaisia hienoja vesivärikuvia aprikoo...