maanantai 17. kesäkuuta 2024

Of other breeds, and of the manufacturing of products

 Some time ago I wrote to my Christmas gnome skills blog about dog breeds that appear to be wanted in that context, and as the first one came to mt mind a dog breed that is said/ appears to help the (female?) owner learn to make shop like style handiworks. And a luttle bit later I ran into another video of coton de toulear, in which the dogs of that breed appesred of the styles of different styles of shops' products, liked products that is, see .

So what is this charachteristic of a dog having such a skill or skills and talents, and wanting to do such handiworks, and do many of them? At least my two other type of dogs ( a white spitz and an apricot poodle ) seemed to have a tendency to have a profession or a few professions, but my dogs were male companion dogs. So it seems that a dog helpibg in handiworks would have such an interest already as a puppy, and it would have other intetests suppirting just that type and style of handiworks and their uses, and have some ok style fitted those areas of life. So the dog might for example already as a puppy pay attentiln to the feel and style of blanket's edges" threads (or my poodle paid attentiln to them as a puppy, but it was a philosophical poodle in that, but so I know that puppies may have such interests ) or to the feel of some types of objects in a meaningful enjoyable way, and so learn of such, and so the owner also learns some such fascinatiln if one has an knterest in such, maybe admires such areas of lufe, maybe like some admire handiwork skills and so lesrn about them too. 

Or then it may be that some dogs as they age sometimes get the idea of some task for their owner to do, and thst some of the tasks are handiworks. And that with more time and experience such might develop into them helping the owner make certain type of handiworks, but I guess it would be only with a wider view to the world like is wise with the elderly and lufe with wisdom. It may be that an elderly dog might cgange to live with slmeone having a simikar interest in making such handiworks, but I do not know if it is pissible to find such matches. 

It seems impirtant that the dog would fit together with the owner, so it is breed dependent abd depends on the individual, it's natural coat colour, etc. And so it also seems that some other species of pets might suit the same purpise with other tyoes of humans, who like and admure jyst such species and characters. 


In making handiworks and in many other things with a hobby like fascination, it matters a lot that you spend only so much time in it like fascinates you, instead of doing lots of repetitive not-interested labour. And it helps a lot if you can have other areas of life in healthy ways, with wisdom of lufe, so that those too support your work, hobbies, etc and life in the society and the good of the world. 


In my Finnish blog I wrote about handiwork skills etc that I seemed to learn in Savonlinna. But there was then still the school handiwork teachers' education there, so that may have affected the local culture's view etc. 

Superman philosophy

 ( It just came to my mibd as if someone had remarked, that does the word "Supermiesfilosofiaa" in the begknning of my translation...