torstai 31. elokuuta 2023

A fine career for an animal

 Study first the Easy quick school for animals, earlier in this blog, see .

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31st of August 2023   I have for almost five years now been stuck to writing an endless text (already 8 books) about the skills of Christmas gnomes. 

So maybe some guess that an animal that would like some kind of further studies, could continue studies in

 "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute", see .

I myself am not sure if animals can read so much, mostly, but my dogs did read the local newspaper in Finnish. And was it yesterday I advertised my new book which is partly in English but mostly in Finnish, and in the cover was a picture of the Japanese spitz that I used to have and to my surprise the address was , I wonder if it was made by internet's face recognition program. 

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5th of September 2023   I just commented to a video of a new puppy and an older Maltese dog, that

I think that the puppy and older dog ought to have a common video channel until the puppy asks for it's own and has some good idea of a video or a trick or the like, while the older dog could have a video channel of wise thoughts or whatever.

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23.9.2023   "Wisdom Of Life For Christmas Elves, Book 2. : Social skills and position in the world" by Tervola

17.1.2024    I collected miscellaneous texts from the blog and made a book:   A new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, Finland, northern European Union, hardcover, 15usd +post, soon available at 

You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, FOR FREE AT . You can both spread this link or a link to this page and/or copy the downloaded book tex

lauantai 5. elokuuta 2023

Ekirja koirieni sirkustreenistä 2010-2011

 Treenipäiväkirjat syksyltä 2010 maaliskuun alkuun 2011 koirieni sirkustreenistä ekirjana , muttei vielä ilmestynyt. 

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14th of August 2023   

Ebooks "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" 1.-7. by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, now available at .

The owners of some dog breeds typically get killed

 I used to have a Japanese spitz and an apricot poodle. After those had died I have quite often thought of wanting to get a new puppy and la...