torstai 24. helmikuuta 2022

Punaruskeasta turkinväristä

    Kirjoitin eilen tonttutaitokirjoitukseen punaruskeasta turkknväristä, muttei kirjoitus niin onnistunut. Mutta näin jälkikäteen mietin kuitenkin, saako kiltin punaruskean koiran pitää pidemmän päälle, jos sen anti on jossain määrin muutenkin saatavilla, tuosta tekstistäni siis, eikä niin luksus. Onko niin, että kultaisetnoutajat joku aina vie ja se tarttee tietää etukäteen? 

"   K16.   23th of February 2022   I had a reddish brown dog, and that is a coat colour of dogs that corresponds red in symbolic colours i.e. life according to feelings. The dog was very nice and seemed to bring such life but as it's own version. Now later when i wstched some video of a reddish brown animal, I wondered how is that possible and figured out that a reddish brown dog chooses from the sphere of life of the family things that are ofcreddish kind in it's own opinion, like eating sausages, being friendly, valuing birds and the newspaper, life in the neighbouhood, conversations with family members and meeting younger generation animals & the elderly. Or somewhat so. I wondered if similar reddish choices are possible for humans too.  "


30.3.2022   If reddish brown dogs get stolen, aren't thst often to people who like dogs with black coat, so that they instead ought to choose a puppy with both reddish brown and black, maybe some white too, in it's coat. Maybe one can get to know breeds with such colours. If those are the main colours, already dog books would offer some information on the character and suitability. 

My reddish brown dog said thst one can get better along with one's dog if one has as a pet also a rabbit, maybe especially when the dog is a puppy. 

22.4.2022   Of the black coat colour I woukd say that when I was a teenager my childhood famuly had a black miniature poodle and we trained it and it learned well, but it firdt learned how to do the asked for trick and then learned how to not to obey it. It was quite charming, sometimes frustraiting. We used tibits andvtoys as a reward. 

2.5.2023   I have watched videos and a moment ago there was a video of a reddish brown horse that had been kept poorly, even stsrved so thst it just lay on the muddy ground. Then someone fed it and washed and they tried to see if they could get a good relationship. Often young people sre without so much social skills, so they and their social relationships ponder if they could get a nice pet of some animal that has a friendly character and a good relationship to the previous owner. So they guess a reddish brown animal, since such are said to want a good relationship yo owner. They wonder hoe they themselves coulf get such a relationship, and guess thay if the animal were treated badly but they helped it. But then they do not quite know how to be with such an animals and so the relationship is somewhat mild like lost. The animal does not need to be treated badly. It wants a good relationship to all possible owners, but it does have some eye to which kind of pet would suit each person. Propably the owner is somewhat indifferent because he/she would want some other kind of character, i guess that an animal which naturally has some black coat since they treated the rdddish brown very toughly and the black ones tend to fight more. The owner shoukd admire the characteristics of the kknd of pet he/she has, both colour symbolucs, style, traditional usa, character, characteristics of the size, etc, and a good treatment and a true friendship bond grows from thst. 

Superman philosophy

 ( It just came to my mibd as if someone had remarked, that does the word "Supermiesfilosofiaa" in the begknning of my translation...