perjantai 5. kesäkuuta 2020

Koko gorilla

Koko gorilla has been a forefigure for me and my dogs, but we did not watch any videos of Koko, just knew that such forefigure existed. Two days ago I watched a video of Koko with her female psychologist, and that looked dangerous. It was not at all what we had thought Koko to be like, so that I guess we did not after all have Koko as our forefigure, even though we had liked the story of a gorilla learning human sign language and living in harmony with humans. So I guess that our forefigures have been other pets, expecially dogs, and the little singing birds.

Banjo thinking of apes thinking of Koko

Näissä apinakeskeisissä tunnelmissa Banjo sanoi valitsevansa samaistumiskohteikseen sarvikuonon ja leguaanin: sopisivatko ne kenties apinoillekin malleiksi, siksikö niitä on Afrikassa?

10th of June 2020   Banjo is an intelligent gentleman like sensitively considerate apricot miniature poodle boy, 11 years old and can read the newspaper and isinterested in philosophy and in the work of journalists. He is also a some kind of Romeo of poodle girls.
He thought Koko to be a gentle considerate calmly behaving gorilla that loves humans and her work as sign language expert.Neither of us knows much about apes, since the Finnish nature is different and the climate difference huge. Besides we are much more interested in the Finnish animals like birds and bees etc. Apes are much too human like at least forme.

17th of June 2020   I have for some two and a half weeks felt stupid and unskilled, and now it came to my mind, could it connect to this subject, even though it started already somedays earlier. Maybe the problem is the same that makes apes more stupid than what they could be: bacteria in the body like having eaten something that is not fresh, heat, indoors and interest in only a narrow range of things. Good for intellect is watching landscape where there are trees with branches and some life too. A landscape like view that observes structures is a good way to think. Civiliced wisdom is a good addition to it.

30th of June 2020   It has been hot sunny summer weather here for many days and I live in a sunside apartment in an apartment house, with my poodle too. For a few days my poodle has said that here in the lowest storey there are monkeys, that Coco came here, to see if this a good place for her to learn. And that there are a few monkeys there, gorillas my poodle guesses. But today has been quite typical cool rainy summer weather but with the addition of strong wind. Earlier in the evening a hear a not-so-loud hoarse yell from the lowest storey here on the sunside. It was as if some big animal had caught cold like women of southern Sweden do. That is different from Finnish ways so I do not know how it goes, but anyway it is much too southern here. Lapplandish heat regulation is usually the best in finland. Some time later I hear a motorcycle drive in the yard road, first one way and then back with the sound as if there were a gorilla driving behind the driver, and they drove away quite ordinarily, maybe trying to learn the weather, but that too was sound only. Then some time later sounded like the gorilla alone drove back. Some timelater there was a bang outdoors with the style of gorilla shot someonewith a rifle he got fromsomewhere, as if shot because did not know how to react to the cold.
These all sound like thought centered deeds like humans typically are, for example young men. An animal would have spent the whole evening just in shelter from the storm wind. So my opinion is that apes should be classified as humans,as a type of humans, a species of humans and not as animals like dogs and birds and insects too. Animals may be wiser than humans but animals respect instinct nature much more and do not do thought-centered deeds when bodily needs dominate the intellect.
I mean that the way to understand apes seems to be to understand them like one would understand humans. I do not know of snakes, but I have the impression that snakes (even if there is the guess that ancient Mayas were snakes, since the way of moving of snakes can teach about how things develop across time) can be understood like animals, i.e. without emphazis on thought-centered ways of doing. Animals typically live in a nature environment and pay attention only to / from the point of view of life according to the instinct nature in the landscapoe around them. Such often includes great fine sounding deeds.

Superman philosophy

 ( It just came to my mibd as if someone had remarked, that does the word "Supermiesfilosofiaa" in the begknning of my translation...